Saturday, March 14, 2015

My CrossFit Open 15.3 Experience

Well, it sucked. 15.3 was kind-of a surprise. It started with muscle ups.

14 min AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible)
7 muscle-ups
50 wall balls (14 lb to 9' target)
100 double unders 

Not everyone can do a muscle up, myself included. Even if I had previously succeeded at one, it doesn't mean I can perform more anytime I want. They take continual practice and upkeep. I've come close, and honestly they are fun to attempt. I enjoy swinging on the rings. I like the rush of flying in the air and the momentary suspended "floating" feeling before trying to flick my body up and over the rings. 

For 14 minutes with a group of other fabulous women, we tried to achieve the coveted muscle up. Many of us were almost there, but in order to count it must be complete. I managed to make it upright to my armpit area, but still wasn't high enough over those rings to push myself upwards. However, I felt like I was closing the gap on my path to a muscle up which is progress. I'm not unhappy with my effort and like I mentioned, they're fun to try anyways. By the end we were all rubbing various arm joints. That's usually a good sign to take a break (well, for me anyhow.) 

We all had to record scores on the scaled version of 15.3:

14 min AMRAP
50 wall balls (10 lb to 9' target)
200 single jump ropes

Yeah, 14 mins of BLECH! Endurance wise, I'm not efficient at either; they suck the life out of me pretty quick. Plus, I was disappointed that the third element was omitted rather than scaled. Why not a few push-ups or weighted sit-ups in place of the muscle ups? Well, at least wall balls and jump roping were in the same workout so they probably won't be in either of two remaining 2015 Open WODs...knock on wood.

I got through 2 full rounds plus 39 wall balls. That equals 539 reps. Which I know sounds like a lot, but it probably wasn't. I have myself to blame for this one. I neglected eating wholesome foods the days beforehand, slacked on my water consumption, and was simply all around lazy (I picked up a book and read about 200 pages in a day). The excitement and anticipation wasn't in me this time and I'm okay with that. I suppose I have to be if I'm owning up to my mistakes. In addition, my mindset needs to be adjusted going into future WODs. I'm going to be more aware of this and strive to change it for the better. There's always room for growth!

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." ~R. Collier

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