Monday, March 23, 2015

My CrossFit Open 15.4 Experience (& Extra Credit)

15.4 Rx version is an 8 min AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) consisting of a varied ladder of HSPU (handstand push-ups) and cleans at 185 lb men/125 lb women. Those weights for the cleans are heavy, even for seasoned athletes. HSPU is apparently a new movement for the Open. HSPU is just how it sounds: stand on your head and push up with your arms, lifting your head off the ground. 

The scaled version (which I did) is:
8 min AMRAP 
10 push press 65 lbs
10 cleans 75 lbs

I can't deny I was a tad disappointed because in the Live Announcement (scroll to about 18:25) Dave Castro hinted the scaled version may have been regular push-ups rather than a push press. A push press is getting that 65 lb barbell from shoulder to overhead. I realize that movement resembles a HSPU more closely than a standard push-up, but I like those and am fairly good at them. Cleans are getting the 75 lb barbell from the ground to shoulder. (See this link under week 4 for more explanation on the movements).

Well, I knew this was going to be a very challenging WOD for me with two weightlifting movements. I was wrong: it was extremely challenging and quite the lung burner. My goal was to get through three full rounds. And guess what? I DID IT! I completed 62 reps which is three full rounds plus two extra push presses. This was certainly a testament to upper body strength. I was thankful for this because......

I signed up for a 3 mile run/race the following day. Yes, I must be crazy. The CrossFit Open and a race?! Originally, I only signed up for the run with the intention of skipping the Open this year. I made a semi-last minute decision to go ahead and join. I'm glad 15.3 (wall balls and jump rope, remember?) was last week and not this week so my legs were saved. Unfortunately, I didn't do as well in the run as I would have liked. I was aiming to finish in under 30 minutes, but I got plagued with the dreaded side stitch pretty early on and couldn't get rid of. Sometimes I can run and/or breathe them out, but it wasn't happening this time. Frustrating. I finished about 32:45 and it was a struggle to get that. But I was happy to get some exercise and some friends happened to be there and they cheered me on. The weather was unpredictable that day, but for the race it was decent. It had rained earlier so the air was damp, cool, and comforting. However, the wind picked up something fierce afterwards. I ran during this little pocket of calm weather which, I suppose, was especially for the event. It's so funny how everything works itself out. 

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."  
~ Martha Washington

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